Sunday, October 7, 2012

Best Buds

Although not happy at the moment to be getting their picture taken, I just couldn’t help myself. Loved it when I walked by and they were just sitting together like this! One proud mama!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

On the Beach in Destin, Florida

We spent Memorial Day on the beach. This was Ethan's first trip to the beach. We had a great time and the kids had a blast.

Ethan spent most of his time with a big bucket of water and playing in the sand. He loved it!
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Austin preferred the water. His favorite thing was riding the waves with his “surfing board.” He made me call him “Super Surfer Austin” all day :-)
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But Ethan soon seen how much fun his brother was having and wanted in on the action.
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He was still a little timid.  Look at those hands.
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But he soon overcame it and had alot of fun in the water!
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Austin wiped out a few times.  He didn’t like that much :-)
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He would get so excited about all the fish in the water and then have to run back to tell us about them.
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Look at the size of this crab he found!!! I thought it might carry him away!
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Ethan thought it safe to check it out from a distance, but would not touch it.
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The kids got to pet a real baby alligator at Fudpucker’s. I snuck in a picture before I was told I couldn’t take any ;-)

We ate at Yogurt Mountain several times! Kids could not get enough of it!
Look at these two cutie pies!

We had a great time! Can’t wait to go back!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Our 10 year Anniversary!

Today me and Shane have been married ten years! Alot has happened in those ten years! I am a very lucky girl. Here we are getting ready to go out to eat.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Early Summer Fun

It has been an unusually hot May this year.  We are in the process of opening up the pool today and the kids are eager to get in.  Unfortunately it is not ready for business yet.
So I decided to get out a cheap little blowup pool I had stuck in the back of a closet to keep them busy so that we could get some work done.

I had two very impatient boys while we were blowing it up and filling it. Plus I made them wait till the water had sat in the sun a little to warm it up.  So I gave them some waters guns to play with in the meantime.

This did the trick!

Time for swimsuits!

And for fun!

It takes so little to make kids happy and create fun memories!!!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Our First Baseball Season

So anyone who knows me knows I've never really liked sports, never been involved in sports and really don't know anything at all about sports. But I have found myself as the only female in a house full of boys.  So I am coming around and I have to say I have really enjoyed watching my five year old play rag ball this year.

One thing I have noticed is at this age it seems it is really hard to hold their attention.  You may in fact, find your child out on the field practicing on some other necessary skills.  For example:

Here is Austin practicing his dance moves.  He has worked very hard on these this season.

Here we are diligently studying the clouds

Much time is spent perfecting our playing in the dirt skills.

Here we are working hard to identify plant leaves

And last but not least....we should always be efficient at balance.  These things are very important.  Notice where the baseball glove is :-)

This is not to say that we haven't worked hard at baseball this year. We have had many serious moments also.

We've had some really great moments getting home runs, getting outs and we've made alot of good buddies.  It has been a fun learning experience for both my five year old and myself.  Maybe there is hope for me and sports yet.  What I have learned the most is nothing in the world can beat that special moment when he does something good and looks back at me to see if was watching.  I hope he can see on my face how proud of him I am.  Yeah...sports is turning out to be pretty great and I'm looking forward to many more years!!!