I did some research on the internet and found some great FREE software to make blogging quicker and so much easier! I mainly want a blog to record the boys growing up and have something that will last forever that they can look back at and show their kids when they get older. Love that I can share it with family! I started this blog a while back but quickly realized it was going to be A LOT of work. I just didn’t have the time. So I came up on a program called Windows Live Writer that makes it all so much faster! I want to go back and post pictures from the beginning if I can. Those post may not be as detailed as the new ones but at least I will have some pictures to share. This will still take me a lot of time and be a lot of work but I am excited that it is a least doable now!
If anyone is interested in the program, you can find it here:
You just go to blogger or wordpress and create a blog and link it to the program. So easy!